On March 5, 2016 at New Albany High School Natatorium, 16 Ohio Splashers arrived to compete at the 3rd Annual Arnold Classic Swim Meet.
Splash turned out some incredible swims and fast times, racking up many points.
Congratulations go to our 11 swimmers in the water for their outstanding races: Jose, Dan D, Jim H, Andrew J, Marc, Patrice, Rob, Andrew P, Bob, Matt, and Nick! Special thanks to Jim S, Willie, Don, Jon, and Kha who remained dry but came out nonetheless to cheer & support the team.
For the second year, an Ohio Splasher won a raffle opportunity to meet “The Arnold” himself.
Warmed-up and ready, Ohio Splash now turns its eyes toward the Ohio 2016 State Championship, coming up April 2 at OSU! Thinking about competing? Join us! Between now and 4/2, we have 6 practices designed to get you ready for competition!
Congratulations, teammates!