Attention Gay Games Splashers: Your GG9 Information is requested!
Kha is compiling information from all Splashers participating in the Gay Games. This information will be used to coordinate fellow swimmers watching teammates competing, or help friends and family to know when to go cheer on individuals and the team on. We will also use this info to plan social functions or attend events as a team. MOST IMPORTANTLY, we will use this to coordinate RELAYS!
This is the information needed: swimmer first and last names, event, day of event, time of event, hotel info, cell, and other notes (as you feel pertinent – emergency contact, it’s your birthday, walking in the ceremony, etc.). Copied will be made available to all GG9 Splash participants. LIMITED info (name and events only) will be published for team members not competing, friends, and family.
Please fill out THIS FORM to submit your information to Kha who is our coordinator.