Another great mid-distance workout, courtesy of Dan A. 5 & 6 3 & 4 2 1 WARM-UP choice swim 300 200 200 150 choice kick 4 X 100 4 X 100 3 X 100 2 X 100 PULL 300 300 200 100 MAIN SET Freestyle 500…
Ohio Splash Returns to Hunter
Ohio Splash is pleased to announce the return to our Autumn and Winter pool home, the Columbus Aquatics Center on Hunter Avenue (aka “Hunter”). Team practices begin on Sunday, September 27, from 11a-12:30p. (NOTE: Updated time as of 9/26!) We are working to secure additional time in the pool. In the interim, grab your suit…
Last Aquatic Adventures Practice on September 25
Our time at our interim September pool home, Aquatic Adventures Hilliard will come to a close this Thursday, September 25. Team practices continue at our Autumn/Winter pool, the Columbus Aquatics Center on Hunter Avenue (aka Hunter). Join us for a fun practice in Hilliard this Thursday!
Workout for September 18, 2014
Workout for September 18, 2014, courtesy of Dan A WARM-UP: LANES 5-6 LANES 3-4 LANE 2 LANE 1 CHOICE SWIM 300 300 200 200 CHOICE DRILL 6 X 50 6 X 50 4 X 50 4 X 50 (600) (600) (400) (400) MAIN SET: 4 X 150 swim on2:20 4 X 150 on 2:30 2…
September Practice at Aquatic Adventures!
Dust off your goggles, Splashers! Aquatic Adventures has offered us some practice time over the next few weeks. We will be swimming on Thursdays 6:30-7:30, and Sundays 12:30-1:30. We begin THIS Thursday (9/11) and continue through 9/25